About Me

Female, currently living in NYC but being forced to leave. You will learn more as I blog more...but for the next two months I will document my departure, with a daily pic from the city. Each time a different location!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

So Sorry....

So I have been completely lame with my blog recently .... and I am sorry about that. I got depressed and rather than tackling things head on I decide to hide from them ... the ostrich effect!!!

I really have not done much since I last wrote...spending as much time with L as possible which I love. Slowly saying goodbye to my clients from work and trying organise stuff for the move back. I wish this country would stop acting like an ostrich - and just accept that people in their country are gay and as such should allow those people to live their life without any problems. I hate how people tell me I should be living! Flipping ridiculous if you ask me, ... as long as I am not hurting anyone why should any of this matter?

I read a great article about how Michael Steele (Head of GOP) believes that gay marriage is going to harm small businesses...because then the employer will have to give health care rights etc to the gay husband/wife. But isn't the same true if I was working for a small business and married a man ... I mean come on...really? That is his argument. Then lets go back to the time when white people weren't allowed to marry blacks! Such a joke!!

I know I should stop reading about other people going through the same thing as L and I ... as it depresses me even more. But somehow I feel comforted by it also. My friends are organising drinks for when I go back ... and the one thing that I didn't want to happen is happening. I just wanted to see my girlfriends, but know they are inviting their boyfriends. I hate couples!!!! :) Just kidding!!!!

1 comment:

  1. Nik thank you. There is so much here that I relate to! I will follow this and please count me in as one who understands. I am a New Zealander and have been in a bi-national relationship for nine years. I take great heart from seeing how so many are now coming out of the shadows to show themselves and draw attention to this tragic situation. You may have read our story but if not it is on http://www.writingdownthedistance.blogspot.com/
    Warmest regards
